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HomeEventsMember Orientation (11-11:30) & Monthly Mid County Mixer (11:30-12:30)

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Only 10 Spot(s) Left
Member Orientation (11-11:30) & Monthly Mid County Mixer (11:30-12:30)

Date and Time

Wednesday, March 14, 2018, 11:00 AM until 12:30 PM


First Floor Community Room
Santa Cruz Volunteer Center
1740 17th Ave.
Santa Cruz, CA  95062

Event Contact(s)

Jessica Bukowinski
831-824-2404 (p)


General Membership

Registration Info

Registration is recommended


12 Total Slots
10 Available Slot(s)

About this event

The first 30 minutes (11 to 11:30) will cover: distribution and review of member handbook, Village Santa Cruz website tour, logging onto website, and how to stay connected.

The final hour (11:30-12:30) is for welcoming new Village Santa Cruz members, and getting to know one another. Our outreach coordinator will be available for Village related tech support and questions - so bring your portable devise if there's something you'd like help with. We're looking to recruit a volunteer to help with tech support well. 

This is a great opportunity for those in the Live Oak area who find the monthly West side and Aptos coffee gatherings inconvenient, but want to gather on a regular basis. We will meet  monthly at the Volunteer Center through May, and will make a decision re continuing based on participation and feedback. 

Feel free to bring a sack lunch for yourself or a snack to share with the group. Village Santa Cruz will provide tea. 

You need sign in as a member to register for this event. If you do not know your username or password, click on Forgot My Username/Password or email